Preparation: Getting a feel for things
Sense-making: finding a red thread
Embodied memory & association
Hosting: Invisible tasks
(Sensory) access needs: Sensory kit
(Sensory) access needs: Mapping
Notes by dates
Hosting: Tools
Hosting: Newsletter
Newsletter send-out dates, time and topic:

Nr. 0-24 on 12-12-2023 at 13:00 Newsletter Inauguration
Nr. 1-24 on 16-01-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 2-24 on 13-02-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 3-24 on 12-03-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 4-24 on 16-04-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 5-24 on 14-05-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 6-24 on 11-06-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 7-24 on 16-07-2024 at 13:00
Nr. 0-24 Newsletter Inauguration (maybe we can come up with a title for each newsletter?:))

_intro on the newsletter and motivation
_newsletter is dedicated to reflect on the four umbrella terms:
"(Art) Mediation"
"Resources and Development"
_you can have a look at session "Hosting: Invisible tasks" where we came up with the four umbrella terms. Good to mention reference in the newsletter as well
_"action" as conclusion
_best holiday, Christmas and New year wishes to staff

We covered several key points in our discussion:

Pre-Show Tour: We proposed implementing a tour with the production team and Charlie before each show starts to ensure everyone is familiar with the setup.

Meeting with Program Maker: Emphasized the importance of a meeting with the program maker before the build-up time to align on expectations and logistics.

Impact of MAMA Sign Removal: Noted the observation that fewer people attended when the MAMA sign was removed, highlighting the need to slow down the entrance to better engage visitors.

Hosting Folder Updates: Discussed the necessity of updating the hosting folder before each expo to keep hosts well-informed.

Emergency Contacts: Clarified who to contact in emergencies and how to access this information efficiently.

Safety Discussions: Touched upon safety issues that should be addressed during hosting duties.

Newsletter Communication: Agreed on the creation of a monthly newsletter, serving as a communication tool between the showroom and the office.

Visitor Interaction: Raised the topic of asking visitors about "donation" and "postal codes" and assessed the hosts' comfort levels with such interactions.

Future Charging System: Explored the idea of charging visitors in the future, considering methods such as utilizing the Museum card, purchasing online tickets through MAMA's website, and implementing a scanner. Discussed the potential benefits, including access to visitor data for organizational purposes.

Pre-Show Tour:
Meeting the program maker
Impact of MAMA Sign Removal:

Hosting Folder Updates:
Emergency Contacts:
Safety Discussions:
Newsletter Communication:
Visitor Interaction:
Future Charging System:
Mental Mapping
Sharing and dividing space
Experiments 2