Preparation: Getting a feel for things
Sense-making: finding a red thread
Embodied memory & association
Hosting: Invisible tasks
(Sensory) access needs: Sensory kit
(Sensory) access needs: Mapping
Notes by dates

11.30 Checking in and landing
11.15 Reading Introduction 'Accessibility in the Arts'
11.45 Sensory mapping
12.30 Reading (collective choice)
Intuitive mapping of sensory experience
Sensory map for visitors
Intuitive mapping of sensory experience
Sensory map for visitors
- Made map from (sensory) memory
- There are pockets that hold sensory experiences, for example from previous exhibitions such as the scent
during 'Touch Me To See Us'
- Yellow light = safety & warmth, sound in red because it attracts attention
- 'archival' approach
- Different frequencies of columns and pipes
- How does it radiate and how much?
- There the scent of smoke coming from people outside
- Light and shadow are quite intense. Probably one could navigate through the space with closed eyes, guided by the shadows.
- When walking through the space there's a varying fullness to one's step. The closer one gets to thhe walls the more shallow the sound becomes.
27-11-23 Subjectivity and (sensory) access needs: Mapping
Notes discussing Introduction 'Accessibility in the Arts'

- The flexibility of smaller art spaces is something we do relate to -> for example hosts at MaMA are involved in thinking through public engagement and accessibility
- We have quite short lines of communication between exhibition spaces and office staff.
- We also discussed the pitfalls of flexibility: How to find a balance between flexibility and clarity? 
- Visitors may benefit from 'knowing what to expect' and if changes are not thoroughly executed and communicated it can lead to mismatch between expectations and reality.
- We were also wondering what the expectation to remain flexible means for the working staff. It can lead to an increase in workload and working conditions that are inaccessible for some. Who has the capacity and resources to adapt? 
Hosting: Tools
Tracing The Map
by Edward Zammit

If the url paste does not
work, click this link:

Visual reference:
Oaze - this is an interactive sound map. I'm putting it as a reference because I quite like the stylistic drawing choices they made for the map:

Hosting: Newsletter
Mental Mapping
Sharing and dividing space
Experiments 2