Preparation: Getting a feel for things
Sense-making: finding a red thread
Embodied memory & association
10.00 Landing and check-in: Moulding our mornings
10.20 Recap session 1 & intro
10.35 Sensory elicitation exhibition visit
11.15 Break
11.30 Reading
12.10 Break
12.20 Moulding memories (guided by Martina)
Session II - Embodied memory & association
Museums and the embodied mind
Hosting: Invisible tasks
(Sensory) access needs: Sensory kit
(Sensory) access needs: Mapping
Notes by dates
Hosting: Tools
Landing: Moulding our mornings

The invitation was to mould a representation of our mornings and the many things our fingertips touched into the piece of clay. We used these representations for a brief round of check-ins.

We kept the pieces of clay throughout the session and used them as a tactile notebook for any thoughts or sensations during the session that might not best be expressed in words (yet).
Sensory elicitation exhibition visit

Each person was invited to choose an artwork to observe. They then received three olfactory samples, one by one.

Afterwards we discussed what adding these different sensory stimuli did to the experience of the artworks.
Moulding memories
Hosting: Newsletter
Mental Mapping
Sharing and dividing space
Experiments 2