Experiments 2
2) Conceptualising each category

Conceptualising category "sensory prompts"

- pouchés contain "sensory prompts" for nature routes, built environment routes, audio routes and odor route
- these 4 set sensory prompts from category "sensory prompts" serve as stimuli and for sensory preparation for the current exhibition. visitors are invited to "train" their senses for what is to come at the exhibition. through an exercise, visitors have to choice to be hosted before entering the show, which could help them to access the exhibition emotionally, mentally and physically
- mapping MaMA's vicinity as simple line drawing
- day/night version of this map possible

Conceptualising category "hidden stories"

- stories/memories/associations of wdw straat in form of audio and text, starting with stories from the MaMA team
- including objects that caught our eye and give them context

Conceptualising category "context of wdw straat"

- background stories of past 25 years of MaMA
- accumulation of stories and images from MaMA's archive
- make it specific for MaMA with wdw as context and backdrop
- mapping and sequencing events, unfolding of time

Conceptualising category "hospitality/accessibility"

- infrastructure, lifts, routes, access points mapped out

14-02-24 Planning

1) Visualising on hot glue
2) Conceptualising each category
3) Collect information for each category (hospitality/ accessibility, sensory prompts, hidden stories, context of wdw straat)

- Draft sensory prompts for Category 2
- Test those out & collect information for Category 3

- Give people envelope with leaflet of exhibition and prompt.
- Claying
- Stories
product summary

- 1 map with 3 layers
- 3 layers mapping and sequencing events and unfolding of time
Walking and mapping - Artists as Cartographers by Karen O'Rourke
What do we need?

A framework for these categories

category 1:
- write for the 4 sensory prompts collectively

category 2:
- collect data from staff
- have a clay workshop and produce reflective clay objects

category 4:
- research and draw the access points and infrastructure

Ideas for frameworks:

category hospitality/accessibility as framework/grid/study area

- how to distill this dataset and make the map readable?
- what information is important? eg. infrastructure
- what makes this map unique and important for cultural institutions and exhibition spaces?


- the Gemeente Rotterdam is currently digitalizing the city
- this map is made possible by the available data set
- the map presents one application how the dataset could be useful for the people in Rotterdam
- dataset allows for instance cultural institutions like MaMA to have some agency over a map and customize it for a unique use
"located between the rationally ordered tower blocks of it's dense, irregular form appears as an anomaly in the cityscape. Upon closer inspection it is here in the unplanned, un architect designed area of the city that true informal, non instrumental social interaction can be witnessed. Walking through the labyrinth of lanes within the village it is clear that, just as in Naples, memory is the best navigational tool."

- unknown, published on http://thingsaccordingtodean.blogspot.com/2014/01/an-exploration-into-urban-condition-of.html
accessed 240318
anomaly of the cityscape as a result of the curated movement pattern. cityscape is stretched, compressed, distorted. the drawing is held against time (movement of the walking body)
x- and y-axis represent time-axis
update 18-03-2024
update 18-03-2024
update 18-03-2024
update 20-03-2024
update 29-02-2024
update 29-02-2024
update 29-02-2024
update 25-03-2024
. “Little by little, relations replace measures and references change. Certainties blur and furtive memories creep in. Another map appears. Feelings and places, often ordinary, begin to resonate together, a new territory becomes possible,” the authors of the project state.


- planning to make a curated tour per person (4 tours)
- 4 new layers where the map is distorted and appears as an anomaly of the ordinary map
- map before visiting mama and map for after the visit to make art experience linger
- how is the map part of mama's digital evolution?
- adding public transportation routes
- write the
by clicking on the clay objects, you can trace the storytellers route (a distorted map with a time parameter; see map top right), perception of the area/space and story, altogether moulded in clay. (The clay objects and therefore, also the routes are still in production)

by clicking on the heart-pouch, you can open a sensory prompt for the location, the pouch is located at. you are invited to follow the prompt to extend your art experience. (The sensory prompts still need to be written)

by clicking on the stations, you are entering a direct link to the public transportation website. No QR code needed to illustrate a link. (The links still need to be researched)

measured cityscape, extracted from the municipalities 3D model in late January (when it was last updated). Our map is extending this model by additional layers. in between the rationally ordered tower blocks, anomalies occur for the visitor to explore: clay, pouch, red stations (see their explanation above)

relations replace measures
references change
new territory
Station links









update 25-03-2024
update 25-03-2024
update 25-03-2024
- sensory prompts written and/or reviewed by hosting staff before each exhibition
- the visitor's insights and experiences can be received (ideally) by the trained host, because the host has written the prompts themselves. Otherwise, it will be disappointing for the visitor to be left alone with their experience of the sensory prompts and not have any platform or person to talk to
- How does the digital map contribute to the digital evolution of MaMA? The digital map includes sensory prompts that prepare the visitor for the exhibition mentally, physically and emotionally. With the prompts written by the hosts, the visitor can talk to a human, a host and discuss their experience. Hence, the map adds a human centred, emotional, ephemeral layer to the experience of the exhibition
- sensory prompts published in digital map with a remark for author, date
- the visitor is given the sensory prompts digitally to prepare themselves individually before going to the exhibition. the visitor is given the opportunity to use the prompts after the exhibition too, in printed version

- starting with 5 general and subtle prompts that are inspired by the exhibitions. The prompts can be reviewed, re-written or expanded further, until the whole map is "covered" in prompts- each assigned to a category to filter through
- with accumulating prompts (and eventually ceramic objects), the map is going to grow the sensual and ephemeral layer: “Little by little, relations replace measures and references change. Certainties blur and furtive memories creep in. Another map appears. Feelings and places, often ordinary, begin to resonate together, a new territory becomes possible (...)”

update 27-03-2024
update 27-03-2024
tiny dots stand for the location of the pouch and clay objects. the more we have of these, the denser the new layer of the city becomes until it looks like on that image
- speaking to the 5 senses:
- 1. seen, 2. heard, 3. smelled, 4. tasted, or 5. touched

- 1. can you sit down for a moment and watch the people walking by. try to not observe. just let them pass by one after the other. take your time to get up again. remember that gaze on your further journey. (seen, eg. at the canal near eendrachsplein where some benches are to sit on)
- 2. identify the sounds around you. now return to yourself and imagine the stillness inside of you. where in your body do you locate it? let that part of yours guide you on your further way. where does the stillness inside of you resonate at some point with the environment? (heard, loud and frequented location near showroom)
- 3. let's explore the synergy of our senses. what kind of smell do you associate with the bright coloured streets of the Witte de With straat? paste your walk according to your range of perception (smelled, Witte de with straat)
4. mindfulness exercise: (tasted) https://www.heiligenfeld.de/blog/achtsamkeitsuebung
5. sit at the canal and feel the plants around you. touch leaves, flowers, textures and explore... (touched)
update 28-03-2024